Charge the scanner and/or battery completely.
On your smart device, ensure you are connected to your secured Wi-Fi network and download the Clarius App from the App Store (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
Launch and open the Clarius App from your smart device's home screen. Ensure to enable all prompted permissions required and create an account or sign in if you have an existing account.
4. Power on the scanner or insert the battery in and choose Select Scanner from the App.
It should take a few seconds for the claimable scanner to appear in the Clarius App. Make sure to follow the App's instructions and tap claim when ready.
5. After activating the scanner by claiming it, proceed to either create a new institution or select an existing one by choosing the appropriate option.
Further details about the claiming process can be found in Claiming a New Scanner
6. After the claiming process, select your scanner from the scanner's page and proceed with selecting your desired Application next to start scanning.
Here's a list of Compatible Cleaners and Disinfectants that have been tested for efficacy. Refer to the disinfectant manufacturer's directions regarding soak time and solution dilution, if applicable.