Password Reset
To reset your Clarius account password:
- Go to Clarius Cloud.
- Click Forgot Password.
- Enter your account e-mail address.
- You will get an e-mail with instructions on how to choose a new password within a few minutes. Check the spam/junk folder if you do not receive any e-mail after 15 minutes.
- These are default password policy rules, ensure the new password follows these criteria:
Password must be at least 12 characters long
Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter
Password must contain at least 1 special character
Password can't be too common (e.g., password1)
If you have any questions, please contact Clarius Support.
Password Updates
To update your Clarius account password:
- Sign-in to Clarius Cloud.
Select the drop down arrow next to your username and select Profile.
- Select the Password tab. Enter your old password and your new password and click save.